Let me know what you love about the library and you could be the winner of a new IPod Nano! Here are the instructions: Click on the comment link at the bottom of THIS post. Post a response to the question, "What do you love about the library?". Then email your first and last name, phone number, and time and date of post to slaughtera@cantonpl.org. This is how we will contact you if you are the winner. If I don't have this information, then you can't win! Also note that you can only blog ONE TIME per day! Anymore than one post per day will render the poster disqualified! Happy blogging and happy Teen Tech Week.
Any questions and comments can also be sent to slaughtera@cantonpl.org!
I like the variety of graphic novel series that they have in the teen section. Also, they keep putting in new ones and updating to series.
I love the Canton public library for its friendly staff. Whenever I need help, I can always count on them to help me out. I also love how the library thinks of all ages. I really enjoy how I can borrow movies and games, and the cafe inside the building is always convenient. During the summer, I always look forward to the teen reading programs. The computer and cozy reading places are always fun. Finally, the computer catologs make finding books a cinch.
I love the lucky day section of the library.I love the summer reading program & the prizes you can win.I love the privacy of the teen section and having our own computers to use.I also love these type of contests that the librarians come up with to make the library more fun.
I love the Canton Public Library for a series of reasons.
1) I have always loved the teen crafts that they do for us. It is so wonderful and fun. I enjoy it every time.
2) For the wonderful mystery novels that are so addicting!
3) I like how I can come into the library and get a research paper done without distractions, interuptions, and have all the resources I need all around me.
and 4) Because the library is there for me honestly everytime I need a book, dvd, or any kind of music I could want and sooo much more. Thanks for all you do and all you will continue to do for me and everyone else. I wouldn't trade this library for any other!
I love the library for its variety of books, video games, videos, and CDs. If I ever need help finding any of these materials, I can count on the librarians to help me. What I'm really amazed and thankful about, is that no matter how easy a book is to find, a librarian will instead of complaining and not showing where the book is, get up and really show you exactly where it is! (I probably couldn't be a librarian because of this aspect, I don't have much patience).Also, I love the convenience of the cafe and instead of having to go the nearest McDonalds or Burger King, I could eat right here in the library, and with its delicious aromas of chocolate and other sweets who wouldn't want to eat in the cafe?
Another reason why I love the library is because of its great and creative programs, available basically every day. There are programs for 2 month year old babies to programs for 65+ year seniors. I can always count on the library for something fun, creative , (and sometimes productive, if I'm ever bored. Finally, I love how the library got me interested in reading, when I was about 5, I didn't read all that much. But after that first library experience, I voraciously began to read any books, I could find. So, because of the library, new doors and opportunities have opened up for me.
"A good library will never be too neat, or too dusty, because somebody will always be in it, taking books off the shelves and staying up late reading them." (Lemony Snicket, in Horseradish: Bitter Truths You Can’t Avoid)
I can't express how much I adore the Canton library! It has not only opened doors for me, but it has taught me to dig deeper. I love that I can get so into a book that I can forget my troubles or what time it is! Not only that but I came to love the library on my first visit. I have lived in Canton all my life and my mom has been taking me to the library since I was a little girl. I still love it to this day. And one of my favorite programs will always be the Summer reading programs. I haven't won anything yet but I won't stop reading because of that! Also the summer reading program reminds me that even though school is out, it doesn't mean that my brain is out too! Also I would like to thank all the librarians for their patience and hospitality. I can't begin to say how much I appreciate all the librarians at the CPL. They have never once shown a sign of irritation or annoyance when helping me find a resource I need. That is truly a great blessing and I am terribly grateful! If I had to vote which library is the best in Wayne County, the Canton Library would win hands down on my list! From the DVDs to the VHS, from the CDs to the books on CDs, from non'fiction to fiction, the Canton Public library keeps me thinking and I can't tell you how grateful I am for that! There has NEVER been a dull moment for me when I am at my library!
What I love about the Canton public library are the study rooms that I can use whenever I need some quiet study time to myself.I also think that the librarians go out of their way to help you find a book you are looking for and also make great suggestions about topics you are interested in.You never know what you find at the library because there is always something new for you to read.It's like a treasure island of books.Yasmeen
When i am doing my homework, i can always rely on the library to lend me hand. Get it? LEND? Anyways, the library has sooooooo many great resources. I love how there are many good reccomended websites that could help in the teen section of your website. Speaking of the website, i like how they always keep it updated with upcoming events and the latest things. Also, the teen zone of the library is such a quiet place. It is a great place to do your homework and study for an upcoming test. I am telling u from my experiance.
What I love about the library is their online webpage for Teens! It is great for homework help, tells you what events are coming up, helps you find lots of neat things and it has things for you to do to pass the time away. I really do enjoy it. Also, the Canton library not only has amazing books but it also has an AWESOME Teen Room where I can get books, use a PC, or chill out and read a magazine. It is a great place to hang out and read with a friend. I think that the Canton library gives everyone of all ages lots of oppurtunities and I appreciate that. I would like to see more crafts than gaming but everyone likes to have a gaming blowout now and then. : ) Also I absolutly love the fact that if I am still reading a book and it is due back, I can renew the book online and keep it a bit longer. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have that! Also I love using the catalog online. It is sooo helpful because I can use it at the Library or at home and put books on the holdshelf from my PC while in my house! That is really helpful with a busy schedule and school work! I don't know where I would get my resources if I didn't have the Canton Library! Thanks for all you librarians do to make the library more comfortable and easy for me and all other Canton Residents!!!
Well,one really great thing I love about the Canton public library is that they care about the environment because they have decided to stop buying those awful plastic bags that we collect so much of that is so bad for the earth,so that is one really great thing about the library that really stands out.I also love the book store because you just never know what you will find there at an amazing price!Yasmeen
Another thing i like about the canton public library are the game cds, videos,dvds, and new video games that we ar able to borrow. They always keep me entertained during school breaks and summer vacation. The library also has a variety of books to read and the modernized catalog can always find the perfect book you want.
Going along with what Renee said, I too love the library for becoming eco-friendly. With its paper recyling center and use of no plastic bags, I think the Canton Public Library is making the world a better place, one step at a time.
I also love the eye catching teen room. Of all the rooms in the library, the teen room really stands out with its multi colored lights and air conditioning. It's a great place to chillax and snuggle up with a good magazine or book. Who wouldn't want to go to the coolest place in Canton (the teen room)?
I also love the teen webpage as it is full of helpful yet fun info. If I need Homework help [like every single day :)] i can rely on the Canton Public library for help, so I don't have to become super procrastinator. I love the For Grins portion of the web page too, as it is full of quirky little facts and puzzles. Finally, I love the contests, programs, and discussions that are available at CPL. These contests help influence people to write better and benefit teens in a cool, awesome way such as the first prize being an ipod nano.The Canton Public Library is the best library in the whole town, wait.. whole district...no, the Entire world! Yes that's right the entire world! It's even better than that yaknow.. that library of congress! :)
HI again,adding to renee's previous comment, have you seen the new totes that they are selling? The have such a pretty shade of green in color. Also, they're only two dollars. That's pretty cheap. In fact, i am thinking about buying one or two myself.
To be honest, I haven't really been to any teen programs, but when i belonged in the children section, i used to go to storytime and other fun programs.Now, my sister goes to programs that are even better. The programs get better and better.
What I love about the Canton public library is that it is very clean and it is always organized.I can always find what I am looking for because every time I go to the library,I always see librarians organizing the books in order so we can find what we want/need quickly.I also love sitting in the chairs by the windows while I read books.
Hey all u bloggers, you're probably getting pretty annoyed that I blog every single day, but I'm not finished with my reasons of why I love the CPL.
Whenever I get a large project, i never sweat, because I have the library and its useful "utensils" such as up to the date reference books and color printing/copying.I bet I could probably finish the entire project there if I wanted to.
If I need to study for a teest (such as a midterm) I can count on the library to help me. They have tons (I mean rwally, tons!) of books on any subject, wheter it be biology, or spanish. Also, the library quiet room is great as I can concentrate on my studying without any distractions. Thanks CPL, for making my studying easier for me.
Toilet paper roll bracelets!?!? Whoever heard of those, well the CPL has, and this is just one of its cool (and creative) crafts for the teens. I have never gone to any of these crafts, but by the looks of it they are pretty amazing. I am intersted in going to one of these craft programs, evn though I'm not usually good with crafts, all because of the CPL.
I love the Canton Library because when I needed a book and they didn't have it, they would either order it or loan it from a nearby library. That was really great service. So even if they don't carry a book that I am looking for the librarians are willing to take their time to order or loan a book for me. That is why even if I don't win the ipod nano, I will still appreciate my library and they wonderful librarians everyday. Also I love that in the library you have the Express Cafe. I am not sure whose idea that was but THANK YOU!!! I love getting a drink or hot cocoa or a snack while at the library so I don't have to go home early. Also I love the tranquility. I don't have to worry about being asked a thousand questions like at home (I have three younger siblings). Also when I get to the library there is something for everyone to do. I can go get a DVD and look at books and magazines in the Teen Room, my brother can chill in the awesome tween hang out, my sister can play in the Cyber Space game room and my mom can care for my youngest sibling and all of us get what we want and enjoy ourselves at the same time! It is so perfect for any family. And not just families either. I have come in with a group of friends and we always love hanging out in the Teen room and doing the teen crafts that the librarians set up for us. I love the memory boards we made last fall, I wear my tie-dye tshirt all the time, I use my flip-flop scrapbook to show my pics, and so much more! I don't think anyone could ever get bored at the Canton Public Library!!!
I love the library for their hospitality. I never have been mistreated. I enjoy the wide variety of books, DVDs, and CDs. I also love the books on CD! Boy is that great! I can listen to my reading assignments and then it is easier or just more relaxing to get it done! That was a really great idea! Also I love the teen librarian. Miss Slaughter is very kind and generous. When I decorated a t-shirt with my friends at the last craft I attended, she let me take extra iron-ons so I could decorate purses and jeans and bags that I had at home. I am very craft oriented so I love the craft books the Canton library carries. I love the cook books too! I will never forget the recipe I found in a book of recipes from London for French Pears! They were wonderful and I would have never known there was such a thing if I hadn't found that great book at the CPL. Also I enjoy knitting and the library has GREAT knitting books full of easy and great ideas! I made a coin-purse, several styles of scarfs, a hat, purses, handbags, and I couldn't make them without the helpful instructions and designs in the library books! I love it! If I could, I would debate the reasons why the Canton library is better than any other library in Wayne County! My hats off to you CPL!
What I also love about the Canton Public library is the selection of audio books which are great for those long drives in the car.I also love the selction of games for the playstation.I also love the themed displays near the lucky day section.Today we found some great books on buying healthier foods & using cleaners that are better for the environment.I would have never got them if it wasn't for the display set out which makes it easy to get books on that particular topic.My family wants to make better choices so these books have helped us out.Yasmeen
I made a typo on my last blog, i said rwally instead of really. Sorry!
I'm not the only one who loves the library, anyday I ggo to the library, the library parking lot is always full! There's a good chance that the libraryis the most popular place in Canton! Good job, CPL, you're the best place to visit!
I also love how the CPL is multicultural(diverse) as it has book, mags, and movies of any country in the whole world. My parents who are indian love this as they can find an enjoyable indian book or movie.
I love the library's design. Instead of being boring, and gray, the CPL is cool in shape with its exquisite shapes and blasts of color, its a feast for the eye. I also love how the library persuades people to read with its good rewards, and lets people learn the importance of reading.
I want to say thanks to the Canton Public Library for offering the TUTOR ME program. I used it a couple of times, and they were really helpful. Please continue to offer this! Thanks!
I would like to say that I like the book shop you have in the back of the library. It is a shame that most people don't know it is there because I enjoy it very much and have found some amazing bargains there. I do remember to bring a canvas bag with me when I get books and movies from the library and am proud to say that you don't use plastic bags anymore and that the Canton Library is eco friendly.
Adding to Eric's note, I have used the Tutor Me program many times and it is very useful. plus, it's free.
Also, every week I go to the library and my sister(age 6) asks me to bring her a few books to read. She says she wants to read every book in the library, but I don't think that will ever happen since there are so many books and even more coming.
Ok,let me try this again since my comment I was just typing didn't go through.I love the library because of the different newspapers they have.I also love some of the newer magazines in the adult section such as somerset studio & somerset memories.My mom and I love looking at crafting magazines to get ideas of what we can make.I also like seing what events are going on in the area that are posted by Jungle Java cafe on the wall.I also love the new tv that is by the checkout,it helps me remember what programs are going on.Also,as another poster commented,I love the variety of cookbooks that the library has because they have cookbooks for just about every country so it's always fun finding recipes that might be good.You get to explore a world of food without ever leaving home or having to spend hours online looking for a simple recipe.And just to add to that,this is by far one of the best contests...I don't think any other library is this generous!Thanks for giving out such great prizes for us teens!Yasmeen
I'm making more and more typos every day, sorry! I looked at yesterday's blog, and it was full of typos.
I absolutely love going to the used book store, because there's always a surprise or good bargain there on some good book. I love the days where there are the bags which I can fill up with books all for $5! I love how the library continues to become "green", and instead of trashing old books they reuse them and let other people have the chance to read a great book for a really affordable price.
I also love how they have the picnic desks outside. Instead of always having to study or munch on something inside, it is great how people can study outside on a nice day. I also love the cool chairs in the teen room. Instead of having boring old chairs, the CPL has great colorful chairs.
I also love the convenience of the keychain library card. Instead of having to lug around a full size card, it's great having a small one where I can take it anywhere. Going along with this idea, it's great having the ability to just punch in my card number on the CPL website, and then see what books are due, and if I want to renew something I love renewing online!
I also love how the library is always up to date on their technology. Instead of having very slow computers (which would probably drive me crazy), they have great computers with very fast connection, making research simpler. The check out place are also nice, as I can just slide each book on the scanner and it is done, in less than 30 seconds I can check out 5 books. Also, I love the quick book drop in, if I'm in a rush I can just dump my books into the slots and boom! They are checked in.
My dad and I love the repair books at the library. If we need to fix something, the first place we look for advice is in the library. They have tons of books on repairing appliances, and its great how there isn't just one source.
I like the flowers that the library has planted. The ones that spell out the word read. Also, I like how the librarians are sooooooo nice, they always seem to find the book you think isn't there. Last,but not least, I like the Jungle Java Express just like Arjun,Social Butterfly, and Renee/Yasmeen. When my dad has to study for college and my sister and I are done checking a bazillion books, we always have grumbling tummys. Instead of driving us to some unhealthy fastfood place, he gives us money to go the Cafe. That way, he has more time to study peacefully and we get healhy,yummy snacks and tasty juice or milk.
Ok bloggers c u since this is the last day of teen tech week(I will miss it), and I wish u all and myself GOOD LUCK!!!!!!;)
What I love about the library is that they also recycle paper,which is something I do at home and then I bring in the paper we are finished with.It's nice to know that I'm not only helping the environment,but also helping the library get extra money.I also love the library website because it connects you to all the events going on in the area,other libraries & a lot more information all in one website.I like how the Canton library is always keeping ahead of things to keep us all interested in their library.You can tell that it works because as another poster said,the parking lot is always full because out of all the places to be,the Canton Public Library is the place to be!It's a great place for families to go and do something together.Yasmeen
Electronic books are a great resource of the CPL. If I can't find a book in the library, I can use the electronic book database to help me. It's also very convenient, for I can just download a book and read it later. Going along with this, it's great being able to use the library card at other libraries in the district and in other parts of Michigan, there's no hassle of always having to keep all the library cards with u.
I also love the gaming tournaments hosted by some of the coolest people in the CPL. With their wiis, PS2, game cubes, and Xbox 360's it's a gamer's paradise, plus who wouldn't want to go somewhere full of video games, pop, and pizza?
What I also like is how the canton library helps senior citizens feel comfortable in the library, with its Wheelchair-accessible Internet stations with 21-inch computer monitor, and its Magnasite reader, a machine that magnifies print to make it easier to read, located in the copy center.
WI-FI is another great feature of the library, for people who cannot afford wireless internet connection. It’s a great feature as I can surf the web with my own computer and documents, instead of using one of the library’s.
READ. That’s what the great sign made out of flowers says. It is very cool sign, as it must have taken a lot of time to build, but the effort paid off, because it encourages people to red, shows what can happen with hard work, plus, what other library has an awesome sign made out of flowers?
Blogging, what’s that? That’s what I used to think, before I got involved in this program. Thanks to the CPL I now know what blogging is, and I love doing it. Thanks for giving me this opportunity, CPL.
Finally, I love the fact that the Library tries to encourage as many people as they can, to read. They get more than one copy of a popular book and they have special editions of the book (such as large print). With great books that can take on you an adventure to the zoo, the Sahara, or the average dump, sad stories, happy stories, weird stories, and funny stories, who wouldn’t want to read??!?!?!??!!??!!?!??!?!
Good job, Canton Public Library, keep people intrested in reading, or we all become addicted to television!!!!!!
I would like to say that I love the library for everything. I have been participating in the Summer Reading program at the Canton Librar since I was in third grade. I haven't ever won the grand prize but I am ok with that. I have always enjoyed getting a free book in the end though. The Teen Room is very conducive for my education and I love the wide variety of books. I believe that anyone can accomplish anything when they set their minds to it and the Canton Library helps me every time! From History to Languages and from Math to English. They have every book you could need. I also love how you can go to the Library for a variety of reasons. For homework, your own pleasure, to hang out, to read in peace, or just to get out and enjoy yourself. I am so grateful that I am literally less than a 5 miles away from the Canton Library. It helps for just about everything! I also love that when a new CD comes out, the library gets it just a few weeks afterwards. And I always enjoy getting seasons of some of our favorite shows like Monk. My family is big into mysteries so we love reading books like Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express. It is nice to know that no matter what reason, the library is great for anytime. Thank you again to all you dedicated librarians. For all you do and will do. I would like to say also that my mom had her 4th child in January and I am happy to know that there will be great programs for his early education and the CPL! I know that no matter what, the Canton Library will always be my favorite library. I am sad that Teen Tech Week is ending but also excited to see what other great programs are coming up for all of my family!
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