Thursday, April 17, 2008

Do you know what tomorrow is?!

Friday April 18th is National Laundromat Day. In honor of this special day we have a quiz for all teen patrons that could win them prizes. Knowing random facts about laundromats and laundry could actually get you a book and a gift certificate.

So if you want to play, it is easy. Come to the teen reference desk outside of the teen room and ask for a laundromat quiz. Then fill out the quiz and give it back to the librarian.

On Monday all scores will be tallied and the person with the highest score wins. If there is more then one highest score the top scorers will be entered in a drawing. The winner will be called Monday afternoon.

Now start studying your laundramat facts!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I just finished reading The White Darkness by Geraldine McCaughrean...

What are you reading? Tell me all about the great books you read in 10 words or less. Here is my The White Darkness is a very interesting book about... a young girl, Antartica, adventure, and a creepy Uncle.